A Revolution in Healthcare

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is revolutionizing the way we look at health, and you can be a part of it.

A Revolution in Healthcare

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is revolutionizing the way we look at health, and you can be a part of it.

Most people realize the importance of Antioxidants in their diet, but how do they know that they are actually working?

The free radical problem

Each day we are exposed to free radicals. Many of the physical effects we call aging are a result of free radical damage. You receive free radical damage every single day, no matter how healthy you try to be.

Nature’s Solution

Antioxidants are your first defense against free radicals – they freely share their electrons and stop the degenerative chain reaction of free radicals.

Free Radicals Damaging A Cell Without Antioxidants
Antioxidants Neutralize Free Radicals

Our bodies naturally generate some antioxidants, however, new research shows additional sources of antioxidants may provide added protection against a growing onslaught of free radical invaders.

Studies show that antioxidants can cut your risk of heart disease up to 70%, diabetes 40%, lung cancer 30%, and breast cancer 20%.

How do we know if we have the proper levels of antioxidants?

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Measures An Important Biomarker of Nutrition and Overall Health. Antioxidant Score

Introducing the Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner

A revolutionary technology that quickly and non-invasively measures your antioxidant levels giving you insight to your overall health.

– Results in 30 seconds

– Over 30,000,000 scans to date

– Nobel Prize winning technology

An exclusive technology developed by the National Institute of Health using Nobel Prize winning science

Your Antioxidant Score

The BioPhotonic scanner gives you an antioxidant score that is more accurate than a blood test

The patented testing tool non-invasively measures carotenoid levels in living tissue, providing an immediate indication of a person’s overall antioxidant levels and generating an accurate antioxidant score.

The problem: Most people don’t get enough antioxidants from their diet

The USDA recommends eating 5-9 servings of fruits & vegetables per day

The majority of people simply do not eat enough fruits and vegetables each day to maintain proper antioxidant levels and fully protect themselves from free radical damage.

After 30 million scans, we have found that the average American’s antioxidant score is not much higher than smokers & chronically ill patients

– Average American’s score = 24,000

– Average smoker’s score = 14,000

What about supplements?

68% U.S. adults take supplements, but the average American’s antioxidant score is not much higher than smokers and chronically ill patients, so what is the solution?

Pharmanex LifePak Anti-Aging Formula

A proprietary supplement formula guaranteed to increase antioxidant levels

A comprehensive nutritional wellness program, delivering the optimum types and amounts of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, and phytonutrients for general health and well-being. LifePak addresses all common nutrient deficiencies, and provides key anti-aging nutrients that promote cellular protection.*

– Listed in Physicians’ Desk Reference

– U.S. Olympic team sponsor

– Guaranteed to work

Patients who take Pharmanex nutraceuticals typically see their antioxidant score double in 60-90 days

– Average Lifepak & Youth user = 60,000

– Average Lifepak user score = 48,000

– Average American’s score = 24,000

– Average smoker’s score = 14,000

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live.”

– Richard Cutler, M.D.
Director Anti-Aging Research, National Institute of Health (NIH)

Pharmanex is becoming the new standard of care

A scientific approach for providers to finally address supplementation, nutrition & prevention

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic scanner and nutraceutical supplement line empowers healthcare providers to properly address supplementation, nutrition & prevention in their practice while helping to measure and improve the #1 cause of preventable disease.

– Cash-based practice revenue stream
– Seamlessly integrates into any practice
– Improves an important biomarker
– 68% of U.S. adults take supplements

Recommended By Physicians

David Feld, MD, OB/GYN

“Finally, a proven prevention plan that should be a part of every physician’s thorough evaluation. I am enjoying practicing more than ever.”

Ben Gonzalez, MD

“I want to honor and guarantee my commitment to my patients to do no harm. Pharmanex allows me not only to do that but to actually improve my patients overall health.”

David Rosenberg, MD

“I can better address the needs of my patients with science and products that I can trust.”

Stephen Moore, DC

“This is what physicians have been waiting for to properly address prevention and supplementation in their practice.”

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